This British Board of Juhala (Ignoramus) ‘scholars and imams’ fabricated ten questions to which they disgorged baatil rubbish answers in conflict with the Shariah, as well as in conflict with the demand of Aqeedah (Belief). Their narrative exhibits their true motive for peddling the vaccine theory vomited into their mouths by Bill Gates and the Pharma Satanist.
It is clear from their bunkum narrative that there is a hidden, sinister agenda for underlying their advertising stunt – advertising the potion of Iblees. The satanic agenda is to promote the haraam vaccine under Shar’i guise. Hubb-e-Maal (the love for wealth) and Hubb-e-Jaah (the love for cheap name and fame) are clearly the motivating force which has blinded these juhala molvis and imams. Their spiritual blindness has induced them to become agents of Iblees and pedlars of the Pharma Satanists.
In this article we shall, Insha-Allah, briefly respond to the ghutha (rubbish flotsam) with which the gang of U.K. miscreant, bootlicking ‘scholars for dollars’ attempt to misguide the ignorant community of Muslims.
“Question: Is gelatine in vaccines ok?”
Answer: Answering their own fabricated question calculated for promoting haraam satanic vaccines, the Board of Juhala says:
“It should be noted that the currently approved COVID vaccines do not contain gelatine or any animal product.”
Firstly, the question does not pertain to vaccines. So why did this Board of Ignoramuses introduce the vaccine factor? It is not difficult to understand that their shaitaani motive is to peddle the haraam, shaitaani covid vaccine to Muslims. This board of bootlickers is in the employ of its atheist masters who are the manufacturers of the haraam vaccine.
Even if the vaccine does not contain gelatine, it does contain a host of filth, poisons and haraam substances. Furthermore, assuming that the satan’s potion does not contain any haraam ingredients, then too, the poison content and the extremely harmful health consequences render it haraam. In terms of the Shariah, vaccines are not classified as medicine. The principle of Tadaawi bil Haraam (treating sickness with haraam substances) therefore does not apply to vaccines. There is no capital for these bootlickers in this principle which they have mismanipulated in an abortive bid to halaalize the devil’s potion.
Animal gelatine is acquired from haraam animals, primarily from pigs. The argument of metamorphosis employed to halaalize such haraam gelatine is baseless.
This board of agents of Iblees casting light on their hidden agenda states:
“We are working with other organisations to make gelatine-free alternative vaccines for the seasonal flu more readily available, for those who choose to adopt the stricter position.”
This group of moron imams and scholars resembles the carrion and pork halaalizers such as SANHA and MJC. Their objective is the haraam boodle, hence haraam has to be halaalized by hook or by crook. Vaccines are filthy and dangerous poisons. The Shariah does not permit the introduction of poisons, even if of halaal substances, into the body. Vaccines are not permissible preventative measures in terms of the Shariah. The harms of vaccination have been explained and documented in thousands of pages of articles by expert western scientists and medical doctors.