Is the sport called ‘paddle’ permissible?
Of recent, there has been a sort of new sport called paddle, which seemingly has caught the attraction of the Muslim community, in particular females. A few things which are rather shocking is that from 6 a.m till 9 p.m there are different groups playing everyday in Durban. One is located at a muslim school and another at a mall. The females are ‘dressed’, if one could use that word, most inappropriately. In fact more appropriate would be that they are practically naked…no scarf and extremely tight fitting clothing. Muslim males with beards and muslim females play side by side or in opposite courts. These courts including equipment are around R400 an hour.
It is mind boggling to note that after experiencing such calamaties such as the recent floods and looting locally, as well the even more recent earthquakes and flooding in Turkey, Morocco and Libya, and not to mention the dire financial straits which the ummah is facing globally, that such gross and flagrant acts of sins can be committed.
Please may you proffer some advise to our community so that we may take ibrat and reform before it is too late.
As for reforming, it appears that the Muslim community has transgressed beyond the bounds of redemption. It is only a matter of time for the scenes of disaster and Athaab which have afflicted other countries to overtake us here.
The paddle sport in which even ‘muslim’ women indulge is actually the sport of kuffaar prostitutes. The women who are involved in this satanistic sport are in terms of the Hadith naked. Their nudity which is today camouflaged by prostitute garb which has become acceptable and respectable, will be thoroughly exposed in the multitudes of humanity on the Day of Qiyaamah. Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
“Numerous women who dressed on earth will be naked on the Day of Qiyaamah.”
Every Muslim whose Imaan has not become deranged and whose brains are not demented with western fisq and fujoor understands well that the sport dubbed ‘paddle’ is zina ‘sport’ made attractive by Iblees. Even a faasiq/faajir Muslim understands the obscenity and immorality of this satanistic zina sport.
The fact that so-called muslim women indulge in it is clear evidence for their kufr – that they are not Muslims. They are immoral, obscene kuffaar. Even a Muslim prostitute, despite her profession which requires clandestine operation, not flagrant demonstration, who recites the Kalimah and believes in the Kalimah, will not indulge so flagrantly in obscenity as do these paddle Satanist females masquerading as Muslims.
Such flagrant acts of immorality and zina so brazenly perpetrated in public are signs of the universal punishment with which Allah Ta’ala will apprehend and destroy the community. It is of the ways of Allah Ta’ala to grant the incorrigible transgressors respite to enjoy their filth, fisq and fujoor. Then whilst they are lost in their enjoyment, suddenly will strike the Divine Lash which will hem in and destroy the followers of Shaitaan, and also those seemingly pious people whose Imaan has become so terribly desensitized that socializing and fraternizing with the worst kinds of fussaaq and fujjaar have become acceptable to them.
Warning us all, the Qur’aan Majeed states:
“Beware of such a Fitnah (Punishment) which will apprehend not only the transgressors among you.”
Molvis, sheikhs and buzroogs will all be taken in the sweep of the Athaab.
6 Rabiul-Awwaal 1445 – 22 September 2023