In a desperate bid to gain credibility in the Muslim community, the Bogus Munaafiq uucsa issued a statement to justify its haraam court stance calculated to retain the ban on the closure of the Musaajid and on the prohibition of performing the daily Fardh Salaat and Jumuah Salaat in the Musaajid. In its abortive, stupid justification littered with kufr, the munaafiq entity says:
“The united ulama council of south Africa (uucsa), an umbrella body representing nine ulama formations in South Africa took a majority-decision (eight out of nine) to become Amicus Curiae (a friend of the court). The Jamiatul Ulama KZN did not support the decision.”
In addition to the Jamiatul Ulama KZN, the Council of Ulama Eastern Cape had likewise not supported Munaafiq Bhum and Munaafiq Karan in their application to become the Enemy of Allah.
The paper body, Bogus uucsa is NOT an ‘umbrella body’. The majority – or vast majority – of Ulama bodies and individual Ulama are NOT affiliated to this fong kong Munaafiq entity which is in reality only a handful of munaafiq characters – Bhum, Karan, Patel, etc. The bodies listed as its affiliates are puppets used as rubber stamps. Two bodies are of the Qabar Pujaari sect (Grave-Worshippers).
The entity, ‘ulema congress eastern cape, is a real non-existing phantom. Who are the ‘ulema’ of this imaginary body? There is only one half-a-‘sheikh’ in this paper entity whose job is to issue certificates to halaalize carrion and pork. This character has no other meaningful function.
The haraam, kufr decisions of Bogus uucsa are the machinations of the tiny group of munaafiqs who have an extremely dark agenda of worldly and nafsaani objectives.
The status of the munaafiq entity
While this paper entity is at considerable pains to placate the Muslim community over its haraam stance of kufr with the obfuscation of being a ‘friend of the court’, in terms of the Shariah it being the Enemy of Allah is confirmed. Those who possess the shaitaani temerity to struggle desperately in a kuffaar court to have the Fardh Salaat banned and to ensure that the Musaajid remain closed, are most certainly the Enemies of Allah although they portray themselves as the friends of the court.
They are the Enemies of Allah and His Rasool (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Referring to such vile criminals, the Qur’aan states:
“Thus, have We appointed for every Nabi enemies from the criminals.” (Al-Furqaan, Aayat 31)