Kitaabul Meeraath (The Book of Inheritance)
Kitaabul Meeraath (The Book of Inheritance) is an attempt to explain Islamic Inheritance to ordinary Muslims. This subject which concerns every Muslim is about the most neglected branch of Islamic Knowledge. Most Muslims are grossly ignorant of the Ahkam (laws) of inheritance. Even pious and learned people commit grave errors in this matter.
Muslims largely ignorant of the Shariah’s demands pertaining to inheritance, direct the distribution of their estates in accordance with the unfettered freedom or in terms of certain restrictions of western Kuffar law. Having opted ignorantly for some western matrimonial property system, Muslims are precluded from drawing up Islamic Wills. Others again, simply do not care of the dire consequences awaiting them in the Akhirah, hence they bequeath their estates as directed by their whimsical desires.
Kitaabul Meeraath deals with both the Shar’i legal and moral aspects pertaining to inheritance. It is hoped that Allah Ta’ala will make this humble effort a means of hidayat (guidance) for Muslims so that they understand the gravity of their transgressions in the sphere of inheritance.
Although effort has been made to simplify this subject, we are aware that many Muslims will find it difficult to comprehend the many rules of inheritance. Undoubtedly Meeraath is a difficult subject with its numerous different cases, classes and categories being somewhat confusing. While this book will assist in giving a better understanding of the workings and importance of Meeraath, it is necessary for the layman to consult with an Alim who is proficient in this subject, before effecting the distribution of the estate.
The Qur’an Majeed and the Ahadith of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) apply great emphasis on the importance of Meeraath. It does, therefore, not behove the Muslim to depart from this transitory abode with the accursed burden of the transgression which he has loaded onto himself by way of his unjust violation of Allah’s orders of inheritance.