A seerah jalsah is being organised by jusa and radio islam. Mufti Menk is listed as one of the speakers. Will it be permissible to listen to his talk? Mufti Menk is guilty of committing a range of haraam acts. Can there be any benefit in his bayaans?
The jalsah itself is a shaitaani act of bid’ah organized by munaafiqs and zindeeqhs. The Menk character is an added aggravating factor. He is a real charlatan/clown masquerading as a Muslim.
How can there be any benefit in the talks of a jaahil who flagrantly indulges in fisq and fujoor. His latest act of fujoor (immorality) is the zina-dating stupidity. He is a prime agent of Iblees and a sign of Qiyaamah.
In this age of close proximity to Qiyaamah, the vilest of human species, the ulama-e-soo’, abound. These ghutha (moron, rubbish) zindeeq characters prepare the stage for Dajjaal. Since Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has predicted the widespread prevalence of munaafiq, faajir, faasiq molvis and muftis, characters of the likes of Menk are to be expected.
Radio Shaitaan and the NNB gang of thugs with the Menk jaahil are all birds of the feather. Their objective is the boodle which is the satanic, Jahannami fruit of satanic popularity. They live and die for money and for rotten frame. The Aakhirat is furthest from their minds. Their lifestyle exhibits their fisq, fujoor and kufr.
Only juhala and zindeeqs attend these bid’ah jalsahs organized in the name of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). No one learns or gains any spiritual or moral insight or benefit from the hypocritical talks of these shaitaani hypocrites.
Menk’s endorsement of a book, dubbed: “The Quran As Revealed” is the first shaitaani step to alter the Qur’aan Majeed in the way the Yahood and Nasaara had effected to their Scriptures. All of these jusa fakes and quacks, and this Menk character are among the khanaazeer stated in the Hadith:
“He who imparts Knowledge to the unfit ones is Like one who garlands pigs with pearls, diamonds and gold.”
These zindeeq, munaafiq charlatans make a mockery and a hash of the Deen. Their talks and their indulgences and their promotion of the kufr ideology of interfaith are all designed for the demolition of Islam. They are even supporters of homosexuals and lesbians. What goodness can there be in their hypocritical talks? About these agents of Iblees, Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
“Soon will there dawn an age when nothing will remain of Islam, but its name. Nothing will remain of the Qur’aan, but its text. The Musaajid will be beautiful ornate structures, but bereft of guidance. The Ulama will be the worst of the people under the canopy of the sky. From them will emerge fitnah and the fitnah will rebound on them.’
Understand well that “under the canopy of the sky” are also the Yahood, Nasaara, and pigs. These agents of Iblees are worse than all of them. They are the type of ghutha created to be fuel for Jahannam.
11 Rajab 1445 – 22 January 2024